The Weekly~ 4 April, 2024
Welcome to The Weekly and welcome to another month! Is it just me or is time really flying by right now? I feel like a blinked and lived January through March!? Now, more than ever, I feel like we have to be doing the inner work. It helps!
Wherever you are on this journey, I hope you are feeling grounded. We are currently in an astrological shift that has many of us feeling a bit upside down. My best advice to you is to stay settled and grounded and do the things that can assist you in feeling this way. My podcast last Friday was a simple list of 5 things you can do to remain or get back to alignment. If you haven't listened yet, maybe today is the day?
Onward with today's channeled message:
Welcome, our dearest ones! We hope that we are coming to you in such a way as to bring you peace. The world, your planet especially, needs more peace. Today, we are inviting you to quiet your heart. Get still. Go inward.
When human beings find themselves in places that may feel a bit unsettling, many humans will reach for their immediate comforts. We are reminding you to investigate and evaluate those comforts. Are they calming and soothing the soul or are they temporarily easing the body but in ways that do not serve for the long term?
By this, we are meaning to dive into your habits. Those things that you do on a regular or continuous basis that serve to settle your soul. For example, too much drink can indeed create a feeling of calm but it also distorts your senses and lessens your intuitive knowing. A lot of sitting to rest? This can create the feeling or idea of rest but it can also create stagnant energy within the confines of the physical body resulting in energetic blockages which do NOT serve the body well at all. Therefore, these two things can be beneficial in very small dosages but definitely not in large quantities.
We are inviting you to look at your habits over the course of a single day and then again over the course of a single week. What do you do on a regular basis that serves you (the mind, body, soul of you) well? What habits do you need to release especially in this energetic period of time? What habits need to become more habitual? Only you can answer these questions but as a spiritual and functioning soul in a human body, it is important to know and understand what serves you well.
Today, we would like to offer you a simple list of possibilities. Things that can raise your frequency vibration and create movement in the energetic body. Ways in which you can successfully navigate this period of extreme energy on your planet. Choose what resonates and leave the rest~
Take a walk in nature.
Breathe deeply and slowly following the air in and out through the nose.
Move your body in a new way.
Attempt yoga, gigong, walking meditation, tai chi.
Follow along with a guided meditation.
Cook intentionally with what you have on hand.
See and enjoy the colors and textures of new food items.
Learn to sew.
Try canning food.
If you have never listened to an audiobook, try it during a solitary walk in nature.
Get outside and simply sit in the grass.
Pack a blanket and picnic lunch and head outdoors regardless of the weather. Be present with the weather.
Write a letter to your younger self sharing all of the WINS in your life. Fact or fiction. Real or not. Your body feels the vibrations of the words and believes.
Give away some items that you no longer need to someone who will appreciate them.
Drop off a homemade meal to new parents or foster parents.
Consider volunteering at an animal shelter.
Nothing rewards the soul like the love of an animal.
Read books that boost you up.
Read to children as they are sponges with all that they hear.
Volunteer at your hospital to hold babies who are alone. (Think drug addiction, foster care, social services. Sadly, it happens.)
Pay attention to the colors of your food~ the more vibrant, the better.
If you eat primarily processed foods, concentrate on one fresh item (fruit or veg) with each meal. High vibrational foods change your biology.
Don't cook? Promise yourself to try one new recipe each week. Lose yourself in the process of cooking.
Walk. Walk. Walk. This is one of the best ways to shift your energy and it is entirely free.
Write a letter to someone you have't spoken to for a while. Mail it immediately.
Feeling separate? Schedule a "zoom coffee" for 30 minutes with friends. Nothing feels better than showing up online in pj's with hot coffee and friends!
Grow plants.
Dig in the dirt.
Hug a tree or at least sit under one and feel the life force energy. Powerful!
We believe you are getting the idea. You truly get to choose your vibrational energy and how you spend your time. Where your energy goes definitely matters! Your habits, those things you do daily, are the real deal breakers. Daily habits can change your life and we want you to be living your absolute best life.
We encourage you to start slowly. Make changes in small increments so that they become permanent. You get the idea.
We are sending you many blessings along with this transmission because these are meaningful action steps that we hope you can begin to implement in small ways. You will feel the change in your vibrational energy within days. Try it and always remember to offer gratitude for each small change that creates a little lighter version of you.
Best wishes for a beautiful and new habit filled week.
I hope something in this short message resonates with you and urges you to create change in some part of your life. Remember, if you need help with changing habits or shifting your vibrational energy, I am only an email away. We can get you scheduled for an Intuitive Healing Session that can quickly recalibrate you and your energy in ways that can serve your highest good.
Lisa xo
Email me here: