The Weekly~ 11-13-2024
Welcome back to The Weekly~ my space to offer you a brief channeled message each week directly to your inbox. I hope that wherever you are or whatever you are doing, something here resonates with you and changes you for the better!
DIVINE WISDOM 11/13/2024
Welcome back to our talking space. We hope that this message finds you well, relaxed and most definitely, tuned out of the current Earthly energies. We will continue to share these messages as the need for them upon your planet rises incrementally each day, each week.
There is nothing that you can do except all that you can do. There is nothing you can achieve except all that you can achieve. YOU are being called to your highest vibrational timeline. Right now. Today. In this exact moment. YOU are the reason that you are here upon the Earth right now. Nothing outside of you or your truest self actually matters. In fact, life would remain in flow so much easier if you were to wear blinders that allowed you to keep your eyes on your own journey, on the road directly in front of you.
We do understand the current difficulties. Families are being torn apart do to political and religious divides. Citites are being labeled blue or red. Countries are pledging allegiances. Leaders are beig prompted to either step up or step down, join forces or cut ties. What do you notice about all of these actioins? DIVIDE. DIVISION.
Please note, that on the other side of your existence, exists all of us who are watching these world events play out. Nothing has been so exciting in a very long time. We watch and we wait. Why? Because with baited breath, we are anxious to see how long it takes for the majority of your planet to awaken to the truth, to understand that this has been and will continue to be a place of slavery. Until it no longer exists as so.
Herein lies the problem. The planet of Earth is under rule. The rule is dark and unseen but it exists around every corner. The strings are pulled like that of a puppet and those connected dance. All of the dances are created in order to form the following: division, complete destruction of the spiritual faith, nuclear and extended family and union of the earthly people. They pull the strings and those involved dance while being completely unaware that they are dancing in order to satisfy the powers that be. YOU have the ability to see beyond all of this. YOU are designed to witness the etruth. The truth is that which will set you free.
What is truth? The truth lies in the principles that were taught by Christ and his followers. Please note that this is not to mean "christianity". The Truth or The Way are the principles of "do unto others as you would have them do onto you" and "LOVE ALL". Along with the idea that all is energy and all is consciousness and earthly beings are called to awaken to their very own consciousness so that they can see beyond what is happening upon the earth and look toward the future.
As spiritual beings, we are well aware of the nuances that inhabit each earthly existence right now. We see how politics is being designed to create division among families, cities, states and countries. Who do you believe is behind these policital overtures?? If you are feeling angst or anger or frustration, if you are cutting people out of your life, if you are feeling separate from those around you and those for whom you care, the dark is winning. How do you conquer this? Read on.
You are created as a divine being. You are here to awaken to truth. You are here to love all. All people, all animals, all spirits of divine force. You are not here to align with the dark. You are not here to feel separateness but oneness. You are not here to judge or be judged. You are not here to choose sides but to feel love for all sentient beings. Anything besides love is indirect opposition to the light. You are here for union, for consciousness, for connectedness. If you find yourself choosing sides, feeling separate, judging others for their choices and alignments, STOP YOURSELF AND RECALIBRATE! There is nothing to do or feel except love and loving consciousness.
The dark is anchoring in divide and disconnection and unconscious behaviors. The light is standing tall and brave with connection, communion and oneness. YOU GET TO CHOOSE! Light or dark~ not blue or red, democrate or republican, wealthy or poor, gay or straight. Choose to remain in connection to all of the above. Do not separate yourself in anyway and you will conquer the darkness. The light wins for the light always wins but in your here and now reality, you may question that. You may find yourself distraught over how the light wins when things feel so very heavy. The truth is that if you are a feeling being, you will know intrinsically that the light wins. Always.
Today, we invite you to dive deeply into your behaviors and your thoughts. Are you loving ALL? (Yes, love all. Even those who may feel like opposition.) Are you casting judgements? (If yes, then stop and return to love.) Are you feeling the need to choose sides? (Skip choosing and return to loving all.) The final answer to all actions, thoughts, words and deeds is simply to love all. Why? Because love is the highest vibrational energy on your planet and it is love that will ultimately heal all. That is all.
Love all. Love in every moment. Love in every thought. Love in every action. Love. Now, heal your planet and walk gently into the New Earth in this state of profound and complete unconditional love. And, so it is.
I hope this message resonates and opens you to greater understandings. Know that I am sending you great blessings and much love from the South of France. I hold all in love, compassion and great consciousness. If you are interested in scheduling an Akashic Record Reading or are interested in Spiritual Life Coaching, please reach out via the contact page on the website.
Lisa xo