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The Weekly~ 10 April, 2024

Good Morning everyone and welcome to The Weekly! It is wonderful to arrive in this space each week in quiet and be able to share whatever comes through with you. I hope this email finds you healthy, happy and whole!

It is always interesting to me to discover each new day. In my house, each new day begins at the rising of the sun or the crack of dawn because my son does not sleep past that. I have relearned to embrace this time as one of my older kiddos was also a sleeper with the sun/moon schedule. We tend to do a morning snuggle in the "big bed" for a few moments before we begin our day.

This has actually turned into a bit of a ritual as we use this time to thank Spirit for another new day and remind ourselves of all of the ways in which we are going to experience a great, new day. In other words, I am teaching my son to set positive intentions before his feet even hit the floor. We truly do set the tone for our day and this is your reminder that your thoughts create things. if you believe this to be true, try beginning your day in gratitude and then, tell yourself exactly how your day is going to unfold. (After my fabulous meeting, I am going to create a colorful and nutritious lunch that will nourish my mind, body and soul. Next, I will have my two important phone calls and they will end with all things on the agenda being solved for the highest good....) You get the idea. Mentally go through your day and speak truth to the highest and most positive outcome for your day.

It also occurred to me this morning that I really need to cherish our morning snuggle time in bed because...he is six! I know that before I know it, these morning intention setting moments and our gratitude wishes may become a thing of the past as I don't know many 16 year olds who do morning snuggles with their parents (although, I'm sure they exist). I am reminding myself to cherish these small moments. The small moments are what form our daily habits and our daily habits are what form our time here on the planet.

My advice to you? Do your absolute best to be present in each moment. Savor the time, the moment, the blessings, the hardship. Nothing, absolutely nothing lasts forever and all is happening for us! On that note, let's just see what the guides would like to bring forward for our learning this morning...


Good morning and welcome to this most holiest of spaces. Today, we are inviting you to sink into your own presence, your own being-ness. You ARE holy. You ARE sacred. The very act of taking a deep breath is and can be an act of extreme holiness. Why are we speaking in such a way this morning? It is simple. We would like you to return to the idea that you are of Spirit and that simple fact makes you a most sacred being.

The universe in which we all dwell is full of beings who are currently exploring their own connection to the Divine Energy. This connection is based upon a single thread, a golden light thread that connects all things, all beings to Divinity. Nothing is separate. If this is true and it is, then when one person feels pain, the collective feels pain. Thusly, the opposite is true. When one being feels extreme joy, the collective feels extreme joy. Do you then understand that all feelings leave the physical body and go out into the collective universe to be felt or experienced or transmitted through and by the All? Nothing is separate and all is connected in this way.

Today, we are inviting you to see yourself as a vibratory being. In other words, there is a force field of vibration which surrounds you on a constant basis. When you feel any emotion (anger, love, joy, selfishness) it reverberates around you and then actively stretches your field to go out and touch the vibrational fields of others. In this way, nothing that you feel or experience is solely your own. When you feel into the joy of a new experience, your field expands to include all beings in this situation of joy. When you find yourself dealing with a difficult decision and you are pondering your choices and feeling bereft, that feeling transfers itself out into the collective field. If you are open, answers to your most pressing questions can be filtered back to you by utilizing this force field.

In this way, Divine Wisdom is available to you at all times. It is only necessary for you to open your field and acknowledge it for the wisdom to filter through and into your own knowing. Imagine threads that connect all while also having the ability to send and receive information. This is your intuitive self, your intuitive knowing. You have threads that act as tiny conduits that travel out into the univese and through these threads you are able to pick up and receive the knowledge that you are currently seeking. All have this ability and only need to open to it.

We share these aspects of being a most sacred being to open your awareness and to encourage you to utilize all that is available to you. You are most definitely not a separate being and you are being invited to reconnect with the force field that surrounds you in order to fully use the information available to you. How? Simply by being open and aware and paying attention to the emotions that you feel and seeing the signs that surround you. Answers lie within your force field because you have asked that it be so. New information comes in steadily as you seek that which you most need. Allow the answers to come forward instead of searching for them. Sit with your knowing and all will be available to you in due time.

We hope this messages resonates with your own being-ness. We hope that it allows you to be fluid in the reception of future messages sent by us out into the collective knowing. You ARE sacred. You ARE most holy. You ARE a divine being with divine capabilities. And, so it is.


I hope this short message has something in it that you can use. Something that changes your vibration and allows for higher learning. They remind us constantly that we are on a journey for our own knowing and learning. Our responsibility is to simply use the information and adjust accordingly. Sending you so much love and blessings for a beautiful week ahead!

L. xo


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All content is the property of Lisa Renée and is available only for personal use unless appropriate permission is obtained. Lisa Renée, 2025

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