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The Weekly 27 March, 2024

Good morning and welcome to The Weekly! It always feels good to take some time and sit in this space of allowing. When we can be still for a short while, our guides, intuition and God/Goddess energy can speak. I hope today's message resonates and changes you in some way for the better~

27 March, 2024

Welcome and you are welcomed into this space for your own highest learning. It is with some excitement and little trepidation that we bring to you today's message.

Knowing that you are always connected to a higher power can bring peace and harmony. However, it can also come with great questions. Today, we hope to answer a few of these questions by explaining who we are and how we operate in the great divide and expanse that is this universe.

Some of you have asked these questions:

Who are you and why do you transmit through Lisa?

This is a brilliant question and today we shall answer. We are a conglomeration of guides, spirits and entities who Lisa feels comfortable entertaining during her morning channeling work. For years, we have had the ability to come through and offer her insights, clarity and knowledge. Sometimes she blocks us but most of the time she is willing to "take dictation" and share it for the greater good. We are a combination of spirits who genuinely have the best interest of Earth at heart. We offer insights that we hope will spark a new learning, interest or idea in order to promote the highest good upon your planet. Lisa is simply willing to allow us a voice upon your planet.

Where or how do you exist in the universe?

We exist in the All and nowhere and everywhere. In the spirit realms, there are no physical bodies, only light bodies. We can transform, exist on many planets, teleport, speak telepathically, require no food or water and basically, move about as we wish. We are in spirit form. We do understand that these concepts to earthly humans can be exceptional to comprehend but we are existing in spirit form. This is why when Lisa opens her channels and allows time and space for Divine Wisdom, we can share space with her and impart insights, information and knowledge. We are timeless but we do have our limits that require us to function within the bonds of spiritual laws. More on spiritual laws later.

Why do only some people receive this kind of instruction and/or aid from the spiritual realms?

The truth is that all human beings are hardwired to have these capabilities but not all subscribe to belief patterns that are welcoming to these sorts of conversations. Once a human 'chooses' to be an open channel and receive divine messages or downloads, they open the door to their own higher learning and the frequencies that are necessary for these types of actions. ALL are capable. When one feels an "aha moment or a lightbulb coming on" (in human terms), these tiny moments or ideas are often the beginnings of new capabilities. We only need a tiny moment of belief in order to make our presence known. Begin to meditate. Live more in presence. Sit in stillness. In prayer, be open to what comes forward. Walk mindfully with the idea of opening to "extra wisdom". YOU are capable as a channel of divine knowing. It is within you just as it is with Lisa.

How can humans use discernment to decipher what is and what is not truth upon the current planet of Earth?

Planet Earth is in a grave state of awakening. We say grave because the dark forces that do exist, do so in a very closed door, secrective kind of way. They are choosing to prey upon the vulnerabilities of the planet to plan and execute dark workings. However, light workers and the awakened population are currently becoming wise to these workings. How? Discernment itself. Humans need only place their dominant hand upon their heart and inquire. Is this real? Is this trustworthy information? Can I rely upon this source for information, enlightenment and knowledge? Each human being has a built-in system of checks and balances, an inner knowing which will not usually prove wrong or incorrect. The heart and mind work in tandem and when a human can learn to rely upon both as a combined unit for or as a means of gathering information, they will not be disappointed. Try it the next time you have a small question for the universe. A question that you most likely already know the answer to. Sit with your body's response. Then, again and again, try this simple technique with the questions that you face throughout your day. Hand to the heart. Ask the question. Await your body's knowing. Your intuitive knowledge sits directly below the surface and you only need ask for assistance and so it shall be given. This is how you utilize and activate your discernment for the current world around you.

That is all for today. We thank you for reading this transmission and we hope that it brings greater understanding to the world in which you currently reside. We are here. We are with you always. We are your greatest knowing. All you are required to do is simply ask and invite in the knowledge we have to impart and it shall be yours upon the asking.


Sending you many blessings and great love for a beautiful week ahead! If you are interested in scheduling an Intuitive Healing Session, you can reach out via the Contact Page on the site or email me at


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