The Weekly 1/14/2025
Welcome to The Weekly and welcome to 2025! Beyond this realm of time and space is a place where all come together as one. I would love to meet you there but in the meantime, I will meet you here at The Weekly.
Moving house last year and becoming a single woman has really rocked my world~ in the best of ways! Stepping into my power and leaving behind my self-doubt has brought me to an entirely new level of introspection as well as strength. I am finding myself incredibly excited to be stepping into this new year with such ease and grace.
Besides gratitude for these new situations, I am grateful that you are here to walk beside me as I dive into these new spiritual, chanelled messages! Thank you for being along for the ride and let's dive into today's guided message from Divine Wisdom...
January 14th, 2025
Welcome and rest easy, dear friends. We invite you to settle in for this new message to accompany your new year. There is absolutely nothing for you to fear. We feel led to begin with that simple message as all is well on your planet as well as in the galaxy surrounding your planet. You have been guided to this here and now as well as to this spiritual message. We deeply appreciate your trust as well as your dedication to your own spirituallity so, we thank you for showing up here in this space today.
As a forefront to the message you are about to receive, we shall remind you that there are no absolutes. Why? Because men and women upon your planeet are required to exist in a state of complete free will. These means that they have the free right to choose constantly and consistently throughout their days. They may choose left or right. Right or wrong. In alignment or out of alignment. Human beings can choose from a place of heart-centered compassion or cold and dark knowing. Each heart upon your planet beats from the stem existence of the Mother-Father God however, not all act accordingly. Today, we feel compelled to remind you of this simple fact as you witness those upon your planet working in and out of alignment with their truest self and our Mother-Father God.
All that being duly noted, it is with great pleasure that we seek to share some information with you today regarding the state of love on your planet. Human beings everywhere are awakening to the true self. By the true self, we are referring to that which is the soul incarnated upon the planet with the purpose of living towards the highest degrees of humanity. These souls are seeing the truths that surround the planet. They have unique abilities which are beginning to awaken and come "online'. Humans are turning to telepathy and self-healing. They are being reminded of their current powers of levitation, healing, intuition, clair-cognizance, etc. Humanity is remembering why they incarnated at this time. Humans are returning to their very sacred knowledge. This knowledge is embedded in the dna, the fascia, the muscles, the heart centers, the soul memory and once remembered, it cannot be forgotten. In other words, once you awaken to planetary truths, you can no longer return to your ignorant slumber.
Today and in this brief message, we are calling out to your heart space in the hopes that you will also join those who have awakened to these truths. You are here on this planet to remember, to come home to your truth and to believe that you are also god-incarnaate. The light within you is inextinguishable. it cannot be put out unless you utilize your free will and allow it to be so. Each human being is a light. This internal light is designed to illluminate specific powers within the dark. We are callling out to you to see if you are able to identify your specific light. What exactly are you called upon to do on this planetary trajectory? How are you meant to serve humanity? What gifts are yours to share and how will you do so? We are hopeful that this short transmission will enable you to reawaken to your own innate truths and knowings. Again, we remind you, that once you remember, you can no longer act as though you do not know these truths. YOU are the Mother-Father God light and it is a huge responsibility to shine yourself brightly. To share all that you innately know. To be a replica of the god light within you throughtout your functioning days.
Humanity is not separate. Humans are all a part of The One. It is in this remembering that all things come together to serve the highest, possible good. Are you serving or are you shirking your responsibilities to humanity? This is your question for pondering today. How are you beautifully designed to serve humanity and the human-ness of those surrounding you? Do you have a message of unity? Are you a healer of modern day modalities? Can you assist those in their ascension processes? Do you have a story to write? Do you have a message to share? We invite you to take some time as an offering this week to dive into these questions and reveal to yourself how you have been magnificently designed to do your work upon planet Earth. Thank you and so it is.
Thank you so much for showing up for this transmission as well as for yourself this week! If you are interested in getting on the schedule for the month of January or February, I encourage you to reach out via the email below or the Contact page on my website. Time slots are filling rapidly as many are waking up and tuning into their internal guidance systems. An intuitive healing session can offer you clarity and insight into your path and plan.